Lane House offers comprehensive support programs for individual families as well as training and speaking for organizations in our community that supports homeless families.
Transitional Housing
A new home for our families is on our goal list for 2025. We will be providing a safe and stable environment for families.
Case Management
Each of our families have dedicated case managers that develop and help implement individualized goals based on their needs.
Mental Toughness Curriculum
All participants go through a proprietary system that helps them build resilience and skills to thrive and gain self-sufficiency.
Counseling & Therapy
All of our families have access to evidence-based counseling and therapy services.
Family Enrichment
All of our families receive family enrichment and life skills workshops as well as Aftercare and Follow-up services to ensure continued success.
Training & Speaking
Please send us a message through our contact form so that we can speak or train at your event.